If you follow what’s trending on Netflix, then you’ve likely noticed that the Polish film 365 DNI (aka 365 Days) has held a place in the "Top 10 Movies" category since it hit the streaming platform on June 7.. Enfin la fin est bâclée. However, some fans enjoying the final instalment, with one writing: "I feel so sorry for Massimo, despite what he did. 365 Days (Polish: 365 Dni) is a 2020 Polish erotic romantic drama film directed by Barbara Białowąs and Tomasz Mandes. The author must rewrite the third book. Confessions of a Terminally Single Romance Writer, 30 Irresistible Romance Novels With Black Leads, 4 Black Romance Authors On the RWA Collapse. Watch all you want. I hope that there will be a fourth book about it. With the first movie ending with a cliffhanger, fans are excited to know whether there will be a sequel to the movie. By registering to HELLO! ; La cinta ha sido un auténtico éxito en Polonia donde más de 450.000 espectadores acudieron al cine durante el primer fin de semana de estreno en febrero de este año. Die Dialoge sind von selbstverliebten Plattitüden bestimmt, vorgetragen mit vollem Ernst, obwohl sie für jeden eine Beleidigung sind, der hören kann. Paperback $24.99 $ 24. Dramat erotyczny na podstawie bestsellerowej powieści Blanki Lipińskiej „365 dni”. Activate HELLO! Starring: Anna-Maria Sieklucka, Michele Morrone, Bronisław Wrocławski. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. Depuis sa sortie le week-end dernier, il fait partie des films les plus regardés sur Netflix en France, en Angleterre et même aux States. Oglądaj bez ograniczeń. Sin duda un final increíble hecho por una fan de 365 DNI Sería un increíble final para el mal sabor del 3 libro. She requires a heart transplant, and Nacho—her second mob boss boyfriend—procures the heart. Directed by Barbara Bialowas, Tomasz Mandes. If you've seen 365 Dni on Netflix, then you know the movie's cliffhanger is just one of its many lingering, plot-related questions. 365 jours (365 dni) est un film polonais dramatico-érotique réalisé par Barbara Białowąs et Tomasz Mandes, sorti en 2020 Synopsis. Jeśli komuś się wydaje, że Lipińskiej trudno będzie znów zaskoczyć czytelników, to powinien zapiąć pasy, bo Kolejne 365 dni jest niczym jazda … 365 Days. Genero: Drama; Reparto: Español Latino CALIDAD HD. En Pologne, il avait aussi cartonné lors de sa sortie en salles en février dernier avec plus de 9 millions d’entrées. Teil 2 von 365 Dni: So geht es in den Büchern weiter! 365 DNI: Tercer libro deja a fanáticos enojados por el final de las películas 365 DNI se ha posicionado como la película #1 de Netflix. 2020 | TV-MA | 1h 54m | Dramas. Dans 365 Dni, cette notion est ... Fin de la scène. ... les scènes chaudes sont du niveau à émoustiller les midinettes de lycée, mais le pire.... J'ai vu 3 … Achtung, es folgen Spoiler zu r Buchvorlage von „365 Dni “! In the end, Laura runs away with Nacho and becomes pregnant with his child. 365 Jours de son titre Français est considéré comme la réponse de la Pologne à 50 Nuances de Grey.Et ce à juste titre. Premiere fois que je mets 10 à un film dont je n'ai pas vu la fin. Mis en ligne il y a moins d’une semaine par Netflix, 365 DNI est le nouveau phénomène de la plateforme. 365 jours (2020) 365 dni. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. 365 días es una adaptación del primer libro de una trilogía de la autora polaca Blanka Lipińska, titulado 365 DNI. ver pelicula 365 días Massimo es miembro de la mafia siciliana y Laura es una directora de ventas. Leer críticas de 365 días, dirigida por Barbara Bialowas. La segunda temporada de "Toy Boy", que pronto comenzará a rodarse en Costa del Sol, contará con un mediático ingreso: Michele Morrone, protagonista del thriller erótico "365 DNI". 'Til then, we'll bookmark Morrone's Instagram page. Lipińska seems to relish in plotting his downfall. She does not expect that on a trip to Sicily trying to save her relationship, Massimo will kidnap her and give her 365 … She struggles with alcohol addiction. Le dimanche 7 juin, un thriller polonais a été mis en ligne par Netflix : 365 DNI. The plot follows a young woman from Warsaw in a spiritless relationship falling for a dominant Sicilian man, who imprisons and imposes on her a period of 365 days for which to fall in love with him. The third and final novel, Another 365 Days, has a 2.9-star rating out of five on Goodreads, and plenty of fans have taken to the site to discuss the final novel. 54 min | Dramaty polskie. However, production was delayed due to the coronavirus. More Buying Choices $11.02 (10 used & new offers) American Kamasutra. The Full TV Show Recap, What We Know About the Viral #FaceAppChallenge. Based on the novels, Laura survives the ending of 365 Dni. Découvrez l’explication de la fin de 365 DNI sur Netflix ! I believe that he really loved Laura, but the betrayal of a loved one leads to the most terrible things. 365 DNI, o 365 días en español, es un thriller erótico basado en una serie de novelas de la autora polaca Blanka Lipińska, frecuentemente comparado con la adaptación a la pantalla grande de la trilogía 50 Shades of Grey (50 sombras de Grey). She does not expect that on a trip to Sicily trying to save her relationship, Massimo will kidnap her and give her 365 days to fall in love with him. The heroine was maddening, acting like brat. More Details. Prime Video This video is currently unavailable. We could think about how the pandemic might affect the quality of the sequel's steamy scenes, but we are definitively choosing not to. L’acteur Michele Morrone, qui tient la vedette dans le film controversé 365 jours (vf de 365 dni), a confirmé qu'il y aurait bel et bien une suite. This content is imported from {embed-name}. 221 talking about this. Speaking about the ending, one person wrote: "Why write a love story and then ruin it? The movie ends with a cliffhanger that threatens Massimo (Michele Morrone) and Laura's (Anna Maria Sieklucka) future together. W rolach głównych: Anna-Maria Sieklucka,Michele Morrone,Bronisław Wrocławski. Habrá que ver '365 DNI' para poder opinar. 2020 | 16+ | 1 godz. Be the first to recommend 365 DNI 3 "Otros 365 Días" - Blanka Lipińska. The erotic film’s conclusion has certainly got everyone talking, but what is the fate of main character Laura Biel … NETFLIX’s 365 DNI thrilled fans on Netflix with its steamy storyline. Es una Pagina de Fans creada para informarte sobre esta película que pronto se estrenará. We may earn commission from the links on this page. Une chose est sûre, c'est que certaines scènes sont bien plus hot et intenses que celles de la saga 50 Shades of Grey. Dans 365 dni, c est du sex brut. Capture d'écran YouTube C'est dans une vidéo en live sur HalaLi, une plate-forme où les vedettes publient des vidéos pour leurs fans, que … He then kidnaps her for a second time and she ends up escaping and ending up with Nacho. Among the third book's plot progressions? She owes it to all the fans. Log In. Or are Massimo's enemies behind the attack? Laura survives the assassination attempt, and continues on her (perhaps ill-advised) mission to marry and start a family with Massimo. The biggest, and most obvious, reveals that Laura lives and their relationship remains highly problematic. vendredi 12 juin 2020; Sophie Rizzi; Certains disent que c'est carrément porno, d'autres érotique et d'autres que c'est un énième nanar de plus, un Fifty Shades of Grey à la sauce polonaise. Carton inattendu depuis sa sortie sur Netflix le 9 juin, 365 Dni, violent, malsain et (très) érotique, provoque de vives réactions sur les réseaux sociaux. Ver Pelicula 365 DNI (365 Days) Online. For more ways to live your best life plus all things Oprah, sign up for our newsletter! DOŁĄCZ TERAZ . In the romantic thriller, a Polish woman named Laura (Anna Maria Sieklucka) is kidnapped by Massimo, a Sicilian mobster (Michele Morrone) bent on seducing her. Avec son mélange d’anglais, de polonais et d’italien, le film vous emmène dans une histoire d’amour érotique. 365 Giorni – 365 DNI termina con una scena che lascia molti interrogativi sulla love story tra Laura e Massimo. ¿¿Que opinan??? See more of 365 DNI 3 "Otros 365 Días" - Blanka Lipińska on Facebook. Das ist inhaltlich mindestens fragwürdig, vor allem aber grauenvoll umgesetzt. But the real action comes in Laura and Massimo's ever-upsetting relationship. Consulta críticas de usuarios y opiniones sobre 365 días, y lee lo que opinó la crítica tanto profesional como de usuarios de 365 días series of Polish-language books by Blanka Lipińska, The Book Ending of "Firefly Lane" Is Quite SAd, How Did Downton Abbey End? Elle a déjà une filmographie assez conséquente ! Oprah Magazine participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. By the movie's end, Laura has come around to Massimo's vision of their relationship. Difficile d'être passer à côté du phénomène polonais 365 Dni, en français 365 jours. While Massimo is framed as a romantic lead, his behavior in Kolejne 365 dni is a reminder of his rotten core. Erotic thriller 365 DNI has some viewers convinced that the actors in the film had real sex on camera. After a jaunt to buy a wedding dress, Olga and Laura are returning to Massimo's Sicilian fortress (read: prison). 365 DNI est l’adaptation d’un roman érotique qui raconte l’histoire d’amour et de sexe entre Laura (Anne Maria Sieklucka) et Massimo (Michele Morrone), un riche mafieux Sicilien. I will not read this last book. With Anna Maria Sieklucka, Michele Morrone, Bronislaw Wroclawski, Otar Saralidze. 365 Days might be one of Netflix's biggest hits, but it sounds like the novel series' ending didn't impress fans - find out moreÂ. Judging by the Goodreads page, which is peppered with scathing one-star reviews, fans of the series are devastated by the series' ending. And why does Mario get a warning—is he double-crossing his fire-eyed boss? She's pregnant and wearing an engagement ring fit for a billionaire's wife. 365 Dni est enfin disponible sur Netflix en France! Kidnappers? 4 d'occasion à partir de EUR 11,76. Retrouvez les 173 critiques et avis pour le film 365 Dni, réalisé par Barbara Bialowas et Tomasz Mandes avec Anna-Maria Sieklucka, Michele Morrone, Grazyna Szapolowska. Laura has a miscarriage. Ou Se Baigner Près De Plitvice, Faire Un Escape Game En Ligne Gratuit, Girafe Vélo Walmart, Pourtalès Plage Horaires, Fréquence Fox Sports Nilesat, Napoléon Bonaparte Taille, Le Mans Angers Mappy, World Of Warcraft Shadowlands Release Date, Hôtel Campanile Paris, Les 5 Secteurs Du Tourisme, " /> , Faire Un Escape Game En Ligne Gratuit, Girafe In general, I think Massimo deserves to be happy. 365 dni de Blanka Lipinska (1 janvier 2018) Autres vendeurs sur Amazon - Broché 4 neufs à partir de EUR 10,79. Ella no espera que un viaje a Sicilia salve su relación, pero Massimo la secuestrará durante 365 días para que se enamore de él. Find out what happens here... Michele Morrone plays Massimo in 365 Days. A woman falls victim to a dominant mafia boss, who imprisons her and gives her one year to fall in love with him. Unsurprisingly, Olga and Domenico, bond over their nature as side kicks and start dating. Sans interet aucun pour l'histoire. That's when Mario (Bronislaw Wroclawski), Massimo's consigliere, gets the call: Someone has put out an assassination attempt on Laura. Denn „365 Dni“ basiert auf einer Buchvorlage, die bereits zwei Fortsetzungen hat. “365 Dni” (“365 Días”), se ha convertido en uno de los lanzamientos más exitosos de Netflix. The third and final book, Kolejne 365 dni (Another 365 Days ), came out in 2019. This content is imported from YouTube. Massimo kills Laura's dog, which she named Prada, and sends it to her in a box. Massimo is a member of the Sicilian Mafia family and Laura is a sales director. Summaries. Laura is enamored, and set to walk down the aisle with her brawny kidnapper—until an assassination attempt threatens their future. Yes! En savoir plus. 365 Dni aura bien une suite. Forgot account? If you wish to change your mind and would like to stop receiving communications from hellomagazine.com, you can revoke your consent by clicking on "unsubscribe" in the footer of the newsletter. Kolejne 365 dni to kontynuacja bestsellerowej serii Blanki Lipińskiej o Laurze Biel porwanej przez szefa sycylijskiej mafii. 365 Days 2 ein Film mit Michele Morrone, Anna-Maria Sieklucka. Com sua mistura de inglês, polonês e italiano, o filme mostra uma história de amor erótica de “garoto mau conhece garota boa” com um leve tom de crime. Now it's easier to find great businesses with recommendations. Ten Dzién picks up exactly where 365 Dni left off. Ella no espera que un viaje a Sicilia salve su relación, pero Massimo la secuestrará durante 365 días para que se enamore de él. Netflix's 365 Days: does that character really die at the end. Ver 365 DNI (365 Days) en Español Latino. Were assassins waiting in the tunnel? Laura, assistante commerciale en Pologne ... aucune expression de consentement n'est introduite avant la toute fin du film. No Rating Yet. El 14 de junio llega a Netflix 365 DNI una película que promete ser mucho más erótica que 50 sombras de Grey. 99. Lipińska reveals Massimo's evil British twin, Adriano, like a soap opera trope magic trick—ta da! Laura est elle morte, Massimo etc. The third and final book, Kolejne 365 dni (Another 365 Days), came out in 2019. There's no point. Lipińska's trilogy, which has been compared to 50 Shades of Grey by E.L. James, has more twists in store for Laura and Massimo—including secret twins, heart transplants, and manipulative games of one-upmanship. NUEVO FICHAJE: MICHELE MORRONE, PROTAGONISTA DE ‘365 DNI’ Los rodajes de las nuevas entregas se iniciarán dentro de poco en la Costa de Sol y contará con varios nuevos fichajes que ya están sirviendo de gancho para crear expectativa. alerts and find out about everything before anyone else. If you've seen 365 Dni on Netflix, then you know the movie's cliffhanger is just one of its many lingering, plot-related questions. Laura is kidnapped by another aesthetically pleasing, but morally reprehensible man: Marcelo "Nacho" Matos. Directed by Barbara Bialowas, Tomasz Mandes. Il y a un grand mariage, un mari qui fera et donnera tout pour elle, grossesse, cadeaux et luxe inimaginable: service, voitures, résidences balnéaires. Even the book summary expresses skepticism with Laura's decision-making. 365 Dni es la sensación del momento en la plataforma de la gran N roja posicionándose como la número uno entre los espectadores. Após sua estreia no catálogo da Netflix, 365 DNI, filme polonês erótico, está dando o que falar, tanto para o lado positivo quanto para o negativo. 365 dni divxtotal online o descargar gratis HD streaming Lipińska's books are set within a few months of each other. Entenda o final de 365 DNI ‘365 DNI’ está sendo rotulado como a resposta da Polônia à famosa trilogia ’50 Tons ‘ e com razão. Cave trolls? The first two books, 365 Dni (365 Days) and Ten dzień (That Day), were both published in 2018. Juste pour le plaisir de montrer des images érotiques. Luckily, the resolution to 365 Dni's ending is found in the book trilogy by Blanka Lipińska, which inspired the movie. READ: Netflix's 365 Days: does that character really die at the end? You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. Click Here To Watch Full Movie Now Watch 365 Days 365 Dni Online Free Watch 365 Days 365 Dni Full Movie Refine See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc. „365 Days“ erzählt von einem Mafiaboss, der eine Geschäftsfrau entführt, um sie emotional und sexuell gefügig zu machen. Fingers crossed for another yacht scene—if you know, you know. Massimo is a member of the Sicilian Mafia family and Laura is a sales director. 2018 | CC. I totally started resenting her. Livre 1 sur 3 4,1 sur 5 étoiles 522 Evaluations clients. For their BDSM-laced sex scenes and their glowering billionaire romantic lead, the series is often referred to as Poland's 50 Shades of Grey. She does not expect that on a trip to Sicily trying to save her relationship, Massimo will kidnap her and give her 365 days to fall in love with him. This is pure nonsense with the characters. The third and final novel, Another 365 Days, has a 2.9-star rating out of five on Goodreads, and plenty of fans have taken to the site to discuss the final novel. In fact, Laura has two more books of madness to survive. 365 Dni (or 365 Days) is one of the most popular movies on Netflix—and certainly one of the most conversation-starting, as well. Not Now. On pensait que cela allait en rester là, mais en réalité, nous sommes bien loin de la fin de nos peines. The first two books, 365 Dni (365 Days) and Ten dzień (That Day), were both published in 2018. 365 Dni, depuis sa mise en ligne sur Netflix le 7 juin, n'en finit pas de faire parler.Ce film polonais, dans la veine Cinquante nuances de Grey mais en plus sexy, présente une romance torride entre un chef mafieux sicilien et une jeune femme. Create New Account. ", Another person wrote: "The last book destroyed all magic of the series. La segunda temporada de 'Toy Boy' contará con el actor Michele Morrone, conocido como el Jamie Dornan italiano por su papel de Massimo Torricelli en '365 DNI'. For their BDSM-laced sex scenes and their glowering billionaire romantic lead, the series is often referred to as Poland's 50 Shades of Grey. “365 DNI” (“365 Days” en inglés o “365 días” en español) es el nuevo fenómeno de Netflix. However, it sounds like fans of the books were not at all impressed by how the love story of Laura and Massimo wraps up. JOIN NOW. Netflix's risque film 365 Days has remained in the top ten most-watched shows and films in the UK since it was released earlier this month, and as such fans are convinced that there will be a sequel in the works. It's unclear whether or not Laura's black SUV emerges from the coastal tunnel unharmed. 365 Dni could easily become the two-hour-long backstory of a revenge film about a craven, but undeniably handsome, man tracking down everyone who wronged his true love. The movie ends with the strongest evidence that Massimo feels conventional emotion: He sinks to the ground, screaming. MORE: Netflix's 365 Days: does that character really die at the end? #365DNI 365 DNI : le nouveau film de Netflix dont tout le monde parle est-il pornographique? Descargar Pelicula 365 DNI (365 Days) Gratis. Watch offline. 365 DNI might be the newest addition on the OTT platform Netflix India’s stream of movies, but it has certainly gripped a large fan following already. 365 DNI, tome 2: Uniquement en Polonais Résumé La vie sicilienne de Laura Biel commence à ressembler à un conte de fées. Das Schicksal der polnischen Protagonistin wurde in den Büchern daher schon enthüllt. Hate what happened with Massimo, how the author changed him, turned 180 [degrees].". Get it as soon as Wed, Dec 30. Año: 2020. However, based on the fact that it's based on a book series, we can assume Laura does survive. Retrouvez les 173 critiques et avis pour le film 365 Dni, réalisé par Barbara Bialowas et Tomasz Mandes avec Anna-Maria Sieklucka, Michele Morrone, Grazyna Szapolowska. Did Massimo's ex-lover, Anna (Natasza Urbanska, who is literally credited as "Massimo's ex-lover"), follow through on her threats? The sequel to 365 Days was supposed to begin production in Sicily in August, according to an Instagram Live with stars Anna Maria Sieklucka and Magdalena Lamparska, per Newsweek. In the end, he turns out to be a possessive, vindictive partner, incapable of change. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io, Meet the Cast of Netflix's "Firefly Lane", Amanda Gorman to Recite a Poem At the Super Bowl, Bruce Springsteen's Surprise Jeep Super Bowl Ad, Watch The Weeknd's Super Bowl Halftime Show, Why Everyone Wore Bandages During the Halftime, Jazmine Sullivan's National Anthem for Super Bowl, You'll Want T Hear Amanda Gorman's Super Bowl Poem, Blake Lively Felt 'Insecure' After Giving Birth, Angelina Says She's Not a Good Stay-at-Home Mom. Jeśli komuś się wydaje, że Lipińskiej trudno będzie znów zaskoczyć czytelników, to powinien zapiąć pasy, bo Kolejne 365 dni jest niczym jazda … "Everything would be perfect, if not for the fact that gangsters are all around, crime hangs in the air, someone is constantly trying to kidnap and kill her, and her best friend Olga blindly follows in her footsteps. La note va directement au producteur qui a mis ses c... sur la table en sentant le filon. With disturbing twist after twist, Kolejne 365 dni subverts the notion that 365 Dni series is a love story at all (because it's not). 2.6 out of 5 stars 78. La película sigue a Laura (interpretada por la recién llegada Anna-Maria Sieklucka) mientras es secuestrada por un miembro de una mafia siciliana llamada Massimo (Michele Morrone). We don't know! Since there are three books in the Polish book series by Blanka Lipińska, there is plenty of material to make more movies. It is based on the first novel of a trilogy by Blanka Lipińska. Our editors handpick the products that we feature. 365 DNI (365 Days) is available now on Netflix. Naturally, the prospect of a sequel will go down a treat with fans of the show, some of whom have already been begging Netflix for a sequel. According to the readers, the Polish novel follows Laura as she falls in love with another Italian mob boss named Nacho and spends more time with him, with Massimo reacting by killing her pet dog and sending it to her. Los libros de la erótica película de Netflix, 365 DNI, dejan a los fanáticos molestos por un desenlace no esperado. The completed trilogy is teeming with spoilers about Laura and Massimo's future. 's newsletter, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted hellomagazine.com's privacy policy, the cookies policy, and the website terms of use, and that you consent to hellomagazine.com using your data according to the established laws. 4.4 out of 5 stars 536. Ajouter à votre Liste. Compartir; Massimo es miembro de la mafia siciliana y Laura es una directora de ventas. Below, we'll spoil them all. Final explicado do filme 365 Dni. #365DNI We're sorry to report that Laura also "falls for" her latest kidnapper, leading to a twisted love triangle. By the end of the film, Massimo's dastardly plan has actually worked. Massimo Torricelli, a young and handsome boss of a Sicilian Mafia family, has no other option but to takeover after his father has been assassinated. Pour la suivre sur Instagram @magdalamparsk 365 dni. 365 DNI (365 Days) 2020. This erotic drama is based on the bestselling novel "365 dni" by author Blanka Lipinska. Assim como o filme “Cinquenta Tons de Cinza”, também temos um personagem extremamente rico e controlador, Massimo Torricelli (Michele Marrone) que, após passar por uma experiência de quase morte […] La historia de amor protagonizada por Anna Maria Sieklucka y Michele Morrone es la película más vista en diferentes países, al punto que está pidiéndose más de este drama basado en la novela homónima escrita por Blanca Lipińska, sobre todo tras su intrigante final. Kolejne 365 dni to kontynuacja bestsellerowej serii Blanki Lipińskiej o Laurze Biel porwanej przez szefa sycylijskiej mafii. 365 Dni es considerada la versión polaca de 50 Sombras de Grey. 365 dni (Polish Edition) by Blanka Lipinska | Jan 1, 2018. Being the wife of the most dangerous man in Sicily has its consequences and Laura will find this out painfully," the summary reads, per Newsweek's translation. or. If Laura, indeed, is killed in that coastal tunnel, then everyone else in the 365 Dni universe should be quaking with fear. Et clairement, on aurait préféré que ce film ne voit jamais le jour. 365 Dni is based on a series of Polish-language books by Blanka Lipińska. Massimo is a member of the Sicilian Mafia family and Laura is a sales director. Na cena final de 365 Dni, enquanto Laura Biel (Anna Maria Sieklucka) e sua amiga Olga (Magdalena Lamparska) voltam da prova do vestido de noiva, Mario, um dos homens de Massimo, recebe uma ligação, informando-o que os inimigos da máfia pretendem matar Laura.. Mario tenta avisar Laura e Massimo, mas não consegue, porque ambos estão em uma ligação. 365 DNI ended with a bit of a cliff-hanger, which makes me think producers are setting it up for the potential sequel to follow. Massimo kidnaps her again and tries to get her pregnant. Ratings and reviews have changed. ", How to keep your cat or dog at a healthy weight, How to get a free month of workouts with a celebrity personal trainer. Either way, Laura loses cell phone service before Mario can warn her. Summer is just starting, but Netflix has already dropped what's sure to be one of its hottest — and most controversial — movies of 2020. 365 DNI : 365 DNI est le phénomène Netflix du moment. Magdalena Lamparska joue le rôle d’Olga dans 365 Jours, la meilleure amie de Laura.L’actrice de 365 Dni joue plusieurs rôles réguliers et récurrents à la télévision polonaise, notamment à l’Hôtel 52,”Ce n’est pas la fin du monde !”, “Nounou dans une grande ville” notamment. The second book furthers the supporting characters' storylines. Kobieta zostaje porwana przez nieznoszącego sprzeciwu szefa mafii, który daje jej 365 dni na to, by go pokochała. Le lendemain, Laura s'excuse d'avoir causé une dispute entre Massimo et son associé mais pas d'être responsable de cette tentative de viol.