It is said that one of Maina’s first strategies was to make himself a “prophet”. Gunmen have shot dead a prominent female dissident on a busy street in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, in the latest killing of a critic of military strongman Khalifa Haftar. [1] She has held positions of Legal Adviser and Trial Attorney at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). George Bensouda, fils de Fatou Bensouda, a été abattu dans les environs du St. Paul Saloon dans la région de Dayton's Bluff. [5] Bensouda was praised by rights groups for her speedy prosecution of offences against women and children. Les Etats-Unis ont annoncé ce mercredi des sanctions contre la procureure de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) Fatou Bensouda. CPI : Fatou Bensouda réagit au dernier rebondissement dans l’affaire Gbagbo Blé Goudé par L-frii 18 juillet 2019, 18 h 28 min Depuis mardi 16 juillet dernier, il y a du nouveau dans l’affaire Laurent Gbagbo et Charles Blé Goudé devant la CPI. Le régime de Yahya Jammeh est dénoncé pour son non respect des droits de l'homme[9] et est parfois considéré comme l'« une des pires dictatures du monde »[10]. [23], In 2015, she was listed as one of BBC's 100 Women. », sur, « CPI : Fatou Bensouda interdite de visa par les États-Unis », sur, « Washington sanctionne la Gambienne Fatou Bensouda, procureure de la CPI », sur. Le régime est accusé par des organisations des droits de l'homme pour différents crimes[11] et pour avoir persécuté l'opposition et la presse[12]. The Rwanda tribunal, alongside the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, were the two ad-hoc international criminal courts set up in the 1990s that foretold the formation of the ICC, which began operating in 2002. Bensouda had found in December 2019 that "war crimes have been or are being committed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip." Elle est remise en cause pour son rôle dans les crimes de la dictature militaire[13],[14],[15],[16]. She later became the Gambia's first expert in international maritime law after earning a master of laws from the International Maritime Law Institute in Malta. Fatou Bensouda: What sort of sick bastard shaves a gorilla…? 976 were here. The Gambian born attorney assumed office at the ICC in 2012. [12] She was previously a member of International Advisory Council, International Board of Maritime Healthcare. Son père a six enfants de l'une de ses épouses (la mère de Fatou) et sept enfants de sa seconde épouse [3]. FATOU BENSOUDA: Fatou Bensouda solemnly undertakes-- SHAMISO MBIZVO: The new prosecutor has made it clear that she is very concerned with victims and that she would like to focus, in particular, on victims and the prosecution, the effective prosecution of sexual violence. ICC chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda indicated in 2019 that a criminal investigation, if approved, would focus on the 2014 Israel-Hamas conflict (Operation Protective Edge), on Israeli settlement policy and on the Israeli response to protests at the Gaza border. [9], According to an Associated Press report on 6 November 2015, Bensouda was advised that war crimes may have been committed on the Mavi Marmara ship in 2010, where eight Turks and one Turkish-American were killed and several other activists were wounded by Israeli commandos, but she ruled the case was not serious enough to merit an International Criminal Court probe.[10]. On 1 November 2004, Bensouda was sworn into Office as Deputy Prosecutor (Prosecutions). [1] She is a member of both The Gambia Bar Association and the Nigeria Bar Association. En juin 2011, un mandat d’arrêt de la CPI a été émis contre Sa ï f Al-Islam Kadhafi pour … Nous mettons à profit le média que nous sommes grâce à votre soutien pour influer collectivement sur des institutions politiques et ainsi essayer de faire bouger les lignes, les comportements, les mentalités. IBA Global Insight finds out the secrets behind the lawyer’s popularity. On 6 November, ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda delivered her semi-annual briefing to the Council on recent developments concerning cases in Libya. Fils de la procureure de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI), Fatou Bensouda, son identité avait été Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda in the courtroom of the International Criminal Court in The Hague in 2015. [3][4], Bensouda in her role as the International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor has given delivered several lectures on the ICC and its challenges and successes on several platforms most notable amongst them is ''The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court: Successes, Challenges and the Promise of International Criminal Justice'' which is in the Lecture Series of the United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law. Droit d'auteur : les textes des articles sont disponibles sous. Pyongyang is under international sanctions for its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programmes. North Korea appeared to have stage a military parade on Thursday - an event that would be closely watched by international observers for signs of new military technology - after wrapping up a rare ruling party congress, Yonhap news agency reported. Le 2 septembre 2020, Fatou Bensouda est listée dans la base de données des personnalités faisant l'objet de sanctions des États-Unis (liste SDN), ce qui interdit à tous les citoyens et les entreprises américaines de faire des affaires avec elle[20]. [24], In October 2017, Bensouda and two members of her staff were accused by Der Spiegel of staying in touch with her predecessor, questioning the Prosecutor's own integrity when Bensouda sent confidential information to Ocampo. En effet, qu’un accusé de l’envergure de Jean-Pierre Bemba, accusé de crimes contre l’humanité, soit acquitté, constitue un échec historique pour Fatou Bensouda. Statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, ahead of elections in the Central African Republic: “The peaceful course of elections in the Central African Republic is essential to prevent cycles of violence.” 201218-otp-statement-car: Office of the Prosecutor: Statement The ICC’s chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, ... Last year, the Trump administration imposed sanctions against ICC officials, after earlier revoking Bensouda’s entry visa, in response to the court’s attempts to prosecute American troops for actions in ... in a show of dissent, adopted the club’s colours from its 1878 formation. Prosecutor Pursuing Afghan War Crimes", "US revokes ICC prosecutor's visa over Afghanistan inquiry", "Focus: Alleged crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in Afghanistan since 1 May 2003", "Senior ICC judges authorise Afghanistan war crimes inquiry", "U.S. revokes ICC prosecutor's entry visa over Afghanistan investigation", "International Criminal Court officials sanctioned by US", Election of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court,, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda prosecutors, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 February 2021, at 02:49. ICC prosecutor Bensouda says without cooperation, the Gaza war probe will rely on evidence from just one side. Après le coup d'État de juillet 1994, elle joue un rôle central en tant que solliciteur général et conseillère juridique auprès du président Yahya Jammeh. Fatou Bensouda est musulmane pratiquante[24]. A team from the International Criminal Court (ICC) concluded a third visit to Libya on Wednesday after looking into Khalifa Haftar's war crimes in the country. Fatou Bensouda naît à Banjul au sein d'une famille musulmane polygame . Crédit photo : Présidence. In addition, Bensouda’s reports generally ignored a May 2018 High Court ruling that the IDF’s rules of engagement during the 2018-2019 Gaza border conflict were legal. Fatou Bensouda est très jeune intéressée par la défense des droits des personnes, notamment des femmes et assiste à des procès[3]. Skip to main Fatou Bensouda naît à Banjul au sein d'une famille musulmane polygame [2]. La procureure de la Cour pénale internationale, Fatou Bensouda (au centre), lors d’une audience à La Haye (Pays-Bas), en août 2018. Les assises du numérique en côte d’ivoire 1 ère édition. BAS CZERWINSKI / AFP Elle est mariée à un économiste et géographe maroco-gambien[3], devenu industriel. Avec mon expérience, cela aidera beaucoup »[25]. « La Gambienne Fatou Bensouda élue procureure de la CPI », Portail de l’Organisation des Nations unies, Elle figure sur la liste des 100 personnes les plus influentes au monde en 2012 selon le magazine. In November 2017, Fatou Bensouda advised the court to consider seeking charges for human rights abuses committed during the War in Afghanistan such as alleged rapes and tortures by the United States Armed Forces and the Central Intelligence Agency, crime against humanity committed by the Taliban, and war crimes committed by the Afghan National Security Forces. Fatou Bensouda : Je suis très heureuse d’être une femme, n’en doutez pas un instant, et je suis très heureuse d’avoir eu l’opportunité d’occuper ce poste. Fatou Bensouda naît à Banjul au sein d'une famille musulmane polygame[2]. In defence of the freedom and rights of the Indigenous People of Biafra Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. Fatou Bom Bensouda, née le 31 janvier 1961 à Banjul, est une avocate gambienne, procureure générale de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI)[1], après en avoir été pendant huit ans procureure-adjointe. [28][29][30] The visa revocation triggered criticism from United Nations officials. Fatou Bensouda: Terryn, Waylon Christian: Books. Découvrez toute l’actualité liée à Fatou Bensouda. ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda is fighting to have five key witnesses against Deputy President William Ruto testify in secret as The Hague trial resumes on Monday. Bensouda said that she stressed, during her trip to Sudan in October, the urgent need for ICC investigators to be given access to the territory of Sudan. Fatou Bom Bensouda (/fɑːˈtuː bɛnˈsoʊdə/; née Nyang; born 31 January 1961) is a Gambian lawyer and international criminal law prosecutor. In 2015, the ICC admitted the Palestinian Authority as a "state member" and the Palestinians were permitted to demand a war crimes investigation of Israel and the IDF shortly thereafter. In a turn of fate that is perhaps not good or bad but simply hilarious, a prehistoric relic of an age beyond time itself, Fatou Bensouda, has been appointed decision-maker in the International Criminal Court’s case of Israeli war crimes charges. Le Président Faustin Archange touadera et le procureur de la cpi madame fatou bensouda a bangui lors de la cloture de formation des magistrats de la cps. Son père a six enfants de l'une de ses épouses (la mère de Fatou) et sept enfants de sa seconde épouse[3]. "It had been my hope that my team would have traveled to Sudan in November for an operational assessment mission to pave the way for fully-fledged investigative activities immediately thereafter. In September 2020, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Bensouda and another senior ICC official, Phakiso Mochochoko, would be sanctioned under this order and those who "materially support those individuals risk exposure to sanctions as well". Fatou Bensouda a « catégoriquement nié » les accusations concernant son rôle dans les crimes et les cas de tortures commis par le régime dont elle faisait partie[17]. Certains, dont la Chine et lInde, émettent des critiques au sujet de la Cour et nont pas signé le Statut. Elle a été choisie par les 120 États membres du tribunal, au terme d'un processus de sélection auquel participaient 52 candidats. [9] She was formally elected by consensus on 12 December 2011. [33] They have three children. Bensouda’s rich experience in international criminal law began when she served in several senior positions in the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. Kuria’s Message To Fatou Bensouda After Kisii Scuffle. The Treasury Department placed ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and head of ICC jurisdiction Phakiso Mochochoko on its blacklist Wednesday under an executive order issued in June that said the ICC’s efforts threatened U.S. officials without legitimate jurisdiction, infringed on U.S. sovereignty and put at risk critical national security and foreign policy. Découvrez toute l’actualité liée à Fatou Bensouda. The ICC’s chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, said in 2019 that there was a “reasonable basis” to open a war crimes probe into Israeli military actions in the Gaza Strip as well as Israeli settlement activity in the occupied West Bank. It was also suggested that Bensouda sought the advice of her predecessor on several occasions and perhaps allowed herself to be influenced by him, specifically in Kenya and Yazidi cases. Born on 31 January 1961 in Banjul (then Bathurst), The Gambia, Bensouda is the daughter of Omar Gaye Nyang, who was a government driver and the country's most prominent wrestling promoter. Ms Bensouda was sworn in on 15 June 2012. Formation Fatou Bensouda est formée en droit dans plusieurs universités du Nigeria. [1], Bensouda also served on the Governing Council of the Gambia Committee on Harmful Traditional Practices (GAMCOTRAP) which is a leading women’s rights organization fighting against harmful traditional practices and Member of The Advisory Board of The African Centre For Democracy and Human Rights Studies from 1998 to 2000. Cart Hello Select your address Best Sellers Today's Deals New Releases Books Electronics Customer Service Gift … En mai 2002, elle devient conseillère juridique et substitut du procureur au Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda, à Arusha en Tanzanie[18]. Bensouda is a member of the International Gender Champions (IGC). [2] From 1992-1995, she served as a board memer of Gambia High School Board of Governors and a member of the Executive Committee of the Marina International School, The Gambia from 1994. Les pays. En février 1994, elle obtient un poste de procureur. Gambian maritime law expert Fatou Bensouda has just entered the final year of a nine-year term as Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. She has been the International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor since June 2012, after having served as a Deputy Prosecutor in charge of the Prosecutions Division of the ICC since 2004. Formation ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda (file photo) The lack of international action against President Omer Al Bashir has emboldened him to defy international justice and to travel around the world, said International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda on Thursday in a briefing to the Security Council. Cependant, trente-deux États supplémentaires, dont la Russie et les États-Unis, ont signé le Statut de Rome mais ne lont pas ratifié. ", "The Ocampo Affair: Current ICC Chief Prosecutor Weighed Down by Predecessor", "U.S. Revokes Visa of I.C.C. [25], The US State Department revoked Bensouda's visa in early April 2019. Échanges fructueux entre Fatou Bensouda et Dr. GUIBESSONGUI N’Datien Séverin à la Haye aux Pays-Bas. Gambian maritime law expert Fatou Bensouda has just entered the final year of a nine-year term as Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. L'islam, comme vous le savez, est une religion de paix et il vous donne cette force intérieure, cette capacité intérieure et un sens de la justice. Son père a six enfants de l'une de ses épouses (la mère de Fatou) et sept enfants de sa seconde épouse . Après une scolarité secondaire brillante, elle devient quelque temps greffière au tribunal de Banjul. This article is more than 8 years old. The ICC doesn’t try countries, but rather individuals. [8], On 1 December 2011, the Assembly of States Parties of the ICC announced that an informal agreement had been reached to make Bensouda the consensus choice to succeed Luis Moreno-Ocampo as Prosecutor of the ICC. Fatou Bensouda a, par ailleurs, appelé le Conseil et les Etats membres à prendre des mesures concrètes pour que ceux qui sont sous le coup d’accusations graves ne trouvent refuge nulle part. She is also a member of the International Association of Prosecutors. [26][27] The Guardian reported that the visa withdrawal seemed to be the fulfillment of a threat from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to prevent ICC personnel from investigating whether US servicemen or US officials engaged in war crimes in Afghanistan, Poland, Romania and Lithuania. But she asked the court to determine whether she has territorial jurisdiction before proceeding. Rebecca Lowe for the International Bar Association, part of the Guardian Legal Network. Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda in the courtroom of the International Criminal Court in The Hague in 2015. Try. Sudi Responds To Uhuru’s Remarks At Sagana. ... Emploi & Formation. (Peter Dejong/AP) Opinion by . On Friday Netanyahu had said of the ruling: “Today the ICC proved once again that it is a political body and not a judicial institution. « Je suis ici pour deux raisons , à savoir Un important chef rebelle centrafricain a été transmis à la Cour pénale internationale pour des accusations de crimes contre l'humanité Après sa fonction dans le régime de Yahya Jammeh, elle ouvre un cabinet d'avocat et prend la direction d'une banque de 2000 à 2002. Among those acquitted were Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto, who were tried over the country’s 2007 post-election violence.More recently, the former president of Côte d'Ivoire, Laurent Gbagbo, was also acquitted but awaits an appeal hearing. ANP via AFP / EVA PLEVIER International Criminal Court's prosecutor Fatou Bensouda at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, The Netherlands, on July 8, 2019. En visite de travail en Centrafrique depuis le 20 mars 2018, la procureure de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI), Fatou Bensouda a rencontré, ce jeudi 22 mars 2018, le Représentant spécial du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, en vue d'examiner l'état de la collaboration entre les deux organisations. Le 14 novembre 2019, Fatou Bensouda obtenait des juges de la CPI l’ouverture d’une enquête pour «crimes contre l’humanité contre le peuple rohingya de Birmanie». The International Criminal Court (ICC or ICCt) is an intergovernmental organization and international tribunal that sits in The Hague, Netherlands.The ICC is the first and only permanent international court with jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression. Son père a six enfants de l'une de ses épouses (la mère de Fatou) et sept enfants de sa seconde épouse [ 3 ] . L'une de ses sœurs est parlementaire, une autre fut la première femme journaliste à présenter le journal télévisé en Gambie, une autre travaille pour un programme des Nations unies destiné aux femmes[3]. Ceci fait suite à la décision de son Bureau d’ouvrir une enquête sur des crimes de guerre présumés commis par l'armée américaine en Afghanistan[19]. [32], Bensouda is married to Gambian-Moroccan businessman Philip Bensouda. Après une scolarité secondaire brillante, elle devient quelque temps greffière au tribunal de Banjul[4]. [2] Her term as prosecutor began on 15 June 2012. On 8 August 2004, she was elected as Deputy Prosecutor (Prosecutions) with an overwhelming majority of votes by the Assembly of State Parties of the International Criminal Court. Fatou Bensouda Aux Etats-Unis, l’administration de Donald Trump a mis en application des sanctions économiques contre la procureure de la Cour pénale internationale, Fatou Bensouda. [6] He is notably accused of harassing the opposition and the press, after the coup in 1994. Is Fatou Bensouda exactly what the ICC needs? Son père est fonctionnaire, sa mère travaille dans le service de restauration scolaire d'un lycée . During her tenure, all of those tried in 12 cases were Africans. Fatou Bensouda est très jeune intéressée par la défense des droits des personnes, notamment des femmes et assiste à des procès. Puis à la Nigerian Law School de Lagos, où, en 1987, elle obtient un diplôme de droit, dit barrister at law[5]. Elle est promue en 1996 procureur principal, jusqu'en 1998 où elle devient procureur général de Banjul et ministre de la Justice du gouvernement gambien[5],[8], fonction qu'elle occupe jusqu’à son licenciement en mars 2000. Fatou Bom Bensouda (/ f ɑː ˈ t uː b ɛ n ˈ s oʊ d ə /; née Nyang; born 31 January 1961) is a Gambian lawyer and international criminal law prosecutor.. She has been the International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor since June 2012, after having served as a Deputy Prosecutor in charge of the Prosecutions Division of the ICC since 2004. Explore more on Fatou Bensouda. Fatou Bensouda, la procureure de ce tribunal international créé en 2002 et dont le siège est à La Haye (Pays-Bas), lui avait demandé un avis juridique sur ce point. Depuis le 4 mars 2016, 123 États sur les 193 États membres de l'ONU ont ratifié le Statut de Rome et acceptent l'autorité de la CPI (dont tous les États de l'Union européenne). [19], In 2012, Time magazine listed Bensouda among the 100 most influential people in the world in its annual Time 100 issue, noting her role as a "leading voice pressing governments to support the quest for justice". Bangui, République centrafricaine, jeudi, 24 septembre 2020, 21:37:59 ( Corbeaunews-Centrafrique ). Elle est interdite de visa par le gouvernement américain à partir d'avril 2019. Après trois années d'activité professionnelle, en 1990 elle s'inscrit à l'International Maritime Law Institute basé à Malte, une agence des Nations Unies qui lui décerne son diplôme de droit maritime en 1991. Elle y est d'abord procureure adjointe du procureur général Luis Moreno Ocampo[1], puis elle lui succède, comme procureure générale le 12 décembre 2011, et prête officiellement serment le 15 juin 2012. Après être sortie du gouvernement gambien, Fatou Bensouda obtient d'autres diplômes, notamment en novembre 2001 un diplôme en bénévolat au sein du Comité international olympique à New York, ainsi qu'un diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF) 1er degré délivré par le ministère de la Jeunesse, de l'Éducation Nationale et de la Recherche de la République française[7]. [31], In June 2020, US President Donald Trump issued an executive order which allowed the United States to block the assets of ICC employees and prevent them from entering the country. L'intervento al Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU di Fatou Bensouda. [13][14][15] Bensouda is a former 1st Vice President of The Gambia National Olympics Committee (GNOC). [22], In December 2014, the Togolese magazine Africa Top Success named her "African of the Year", ahead of Isabel dos Santos, Angélique Kidjo, Lupita Nyong'o, Daphne Mashile-Nkosi and Koki Mutungi. Before that she was Minister of Justice and Attorney General of The Gambia from 1998 to 2000. ... where he interestingly announced the formation of the movement during a morning school assembly. « Tout individu ou entité qui continuera à assister matériellement » la procureure « s’expose également à des sanctions », a déclaré le chef de la diplomatie américaine Mike Pompeo lors d’une conférence de presse. [2], On 2 September 2020, Bensouda was named a "specially designated national" by the United States government, which forbids all U.S. persons and companies from doing business with her.[3]. Les recruteurs à la une. Her tenure of office will end on 15 June 2021 . En 1987, elle est admise au barreau en Gambie. Formation. La Corte Penale Internazionale (ICC) ha deciso di aprire un’inchiesta sui crimini commessi contro migranti e rifugiati nel paese nordafricano per le condizioni disumane in cui migliaia di migranti africani vengono detenuti in Libia. Books Hello, Sign in. La même année, elle est nommée conseillère auprès du gouvernement de Gambie de Dawda Jawara. [11] John Bolton, National Security Advisor of the United States, stated that ICC Court had no jurisdiction over the US, which did not ratify the Rome Statute. Depuis 2004, elle est en poste à la Cour pénale internationale de La Haye. Fatou Bensouda. [7], Bensouda's international career as a non-government civil servant formally began at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, where she worked as a Legal Adviser and Trial Attorney before rising to the position of Senior Legal Advisor and Head of the Legal Advisory Unit (May 2002 to August 2004). [4], Yahya Jammeh's regime is accused by human rights groups of various abuses. As an African takes on the role of chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court, the BBC's Farouk Chothia looks at the implications for Africa's relations with the tribunal. On 12 December 2011, Ms Fatou Bensouda of The Gambia was elected by consensus Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court by the Assembly of States Parties. Her … On 18 November, Council members met for a briefing, followed by consultations, on the work of UNSMIL and Libya sanctions. In November 2017, Bensouda advised the court to consider seeking charges for human rights abuses committed during the War in Afghanistan such as alleged rapes and tortures by the United States Armed Forces and the Central Intelligence Agency, crime against humanity committed by the Taliban, and war crimes committed by the Afghan National Security Forces. (Peter Dejong/AP) Opinion by . Interrogée en 2011 sur le rôle de l'islam dans sa nouvelle fonction de procureure générale, elle a répondu : « Absolument, définitivement. Fatou Bensouda – Atténuer les guerres et les conflits, autonomiser les femmes, site, Alfred de Montesquiou, « Fatou Bensouda, procureur de la CPI », in, Procureurs généraux de la Cour pénale internationale, Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda. Balkees Jarrah, senior counsel at Human Rights Watch, tweeted that the move was a "stunning perversion of US sanctions, devised to penalize rights abusers and kleptocrats, to target those prosecuting war crimes". Son père est fonctionnaire, sa mère travaille dans le service de restauration scolaire d'un lycée [3]. a terrorist fulani herdman has launched the first... feb 6, 2021 254 International Criminal Court Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, who assumed the position in June 2012, is the second person to hold the post, having served as the court’s deputy prosecutor for eight years. Ms. Bensouda noted that her Office continues to monitor repeated allegations of attacks on civilians, resulting in significant casualties, in Darfur, occurring mainly in June and July. Grâce à une bourse de l'État gambien, elle entreprend des études de droit au Nigéria, d'abord de 1982 à 1986 à l'université d'Ife, aujourd'hui nommée Université Obafemi-Awolowo. She attended primary and secondary school in the Gambia before leaving in 1982 for Nigeria, where she graduated from the University of Ife with a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) degree in 1986. She named both the Israeli Defense Forces and armed Palestinian groups such as Hamas as possible perpetrators. Déclaration de Fatou Bensouda, publiée sur le site de la CPI, 22 novembre 2019. Aux Etats-Unis, l’administration de Donald Trump a mis en application des sanctions économiques contre la procureure de la Cour pénale internationale, Fatou Bensouda. The following year, she obtained her Barrister-at-Law (BL) professional qualification from the Nigeria Law School. Afrique Fatou Bensouda accusée d'avoir tu les crimes commis sous Jammeh en Gambie. Find Fatou Bensouda Latest News, Videos & Pictures on Fatou Bensouda and see latest updates, news, information from NDTV.COM. Pour Fatou Bensouda, la décision des juges de la Cour d’appel a jeté le discrédit sur une CPI. The Libyan Foreign Ministry said the team of the ICC appointed by Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda ended the third visit to Libya investigating crimes against civilians, adding that it is committed to Security Council Fatou Bensouda naît à Banjul au sein d'une famille musulmane polygame [2]. George Bensouda, 33 ans, a été assassiné le 29 janvier aux Etats-Unis lors d'une fusillade. ZERO IMPUNITY c’est surtout des actions concrètes que nous menons sur le terrain avec des ONG partenaires et des experts. [34], Chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Roles under Presidents Dawda Jawara and Yahya Jammeh, International criminal prosecutor and legal adviser, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, National Security Advisor of the United States, war crimes in Afghanistan, Poland, Romania and Lithuania, "Gambia's Fatou Bensouda sworn in as ICC prosecutor", "Africa's Fatou Bensouda is new ICC chief prosecutor", "Blocking Property of Certain Persons Associated with the International Criminal Court Designations | U.S. Department of the Treasury", "Africa's Fatou Bensouda is new ICC chief prosecutor - BBC News", "Gambia pulls out of 'racist' ICC amid fears of a mass African exodus", "Fatou Bensouda in Line to Become Next International Criminal Court Prosecutor", "ICC Repeats Prosecutor Has to Reconsider Gaza Flotilla Probe", "ICC prosecutor requests investigation into U.S. military, CIA for alleged war crimes in Afghanistan", "United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law", "Gambia's Fatou Bensouda Receives Int Jurists Award", "The World's 100 Most Influential People: 2012: Fatou Bensouda", Africa Top Success Awards: Votez pour l'Africaine de l’année 2014, "BBC 100 Women 2015: Who is on the list? [16][17][5], Bensouda has been the recipient of various awards, most notably, the distinguished ICJ International Jurists Award in 2009, which was presented by the then President of India Pratibha Patil. Échanges fructueux entre Fatou Bensouda et Dr. GUIBESSONGUI N’Datien Séverin à la Haye aux Pays-Bas, ce lundi 16 juillet 2018 Read more. Son père est fonctionnaire, sa mère travaille dans le service de restauration scolaire d'un lycée [ 3 ] .