– Thank you. - Hello everybody. I met him 18 months ago, but we only spend 6 weeks together ( 2 times 3 weeks), hey can someone halp mw with a translation…i need to know the meanning of this phrase “akh ki dou moromou domou khadj bobou” Does someone know?…thank you, Khadj means dog.. Xale bu góor bi tuuti na. Does anyone know what ‘Dama la buga’ means? Im still very interested and facinated with the language and country it self . nakam- how are you? Pourlan = why? (singular) You’re right. Hi i was just wondering i’ve been looking up how to say i love you in wolof and while i was in senegal i was under the impression that it was boga nala but when i was searching how to spell it i found it as Nob naa la. Im here for you”, in Wolof? i just needed some help to say” I hope you are having a wonderful day” in wolof or fulani. kañudem = let’s go From the phrases that i can remember ( like said above plse dont flame me for typos ) – i was 19 when i made this trip so its been a while. Hello everybody someone can translate for me this lyrics?Is a song from Senegal is called Mbeuguel by Carlou D,thanks a lot!! tanga = Hot Sprache Wolof Region. I really want to know what is the meaning of this : Boul ma sene, boul ma guiss madi re nga fokni mane I thought you may wish to know, regards. Jerejefff . nefu len fele waay!! i knw it as jerejef ore jere jef (thank you). nob nala is something you would like say to a boyfriend . Tägliche neue Übungen runden Ihren Lernerfolg ab. Nana ye zimbe Can that be expanded just a bit to make it a little more personal, say add the words, My friend? – You’re all welcome. this language is so very beautiful and i am meeting many people talking it and would like to understand them better to help them better…. Ndeyjoor. existence biggest Le pénis de la hyène n’est pas une balançoire pour un chevreau. Quelles formalités pour venir au Sénégal ? – Where are you all from? Ajoutez : 4. Beugouma kouma khol oaldine yaw li neka si yaw Der Wolof Sprachkurs für Anfänger hat viele Vorteile Fo rek na how would i say dat nah? Glosbe dictionaries are unique. We've listed any clues from our database that match your search. Online of pdf, no difference. Thank you, What es the muy: yalla na ma yalla may Diam ak were ak Nieppe. : did u sleepwell? Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Hope that helps . Par définition, ce verbe désigne l’action de couvrir d’un voile. Don’t look at my smile I visited senegal for about 4 months a few years ago. – Please. thank you so much. See more of Mbeuguel fcbk on Facebook. Au Sénégal, le cœur du Sénégal. Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzungen für Wolof im Online-Wörterbuch dict.cc (Englischwörterbuch). tutu rek : just a little Yow nag? you people are so dumb, you got half of it wrong! Nana ye zimbe Different materials use different spelling systems which can sometimes cause confusion for those who are used to a particular spelling system. who knew there were so many other ppl wanting to learn wolof. (near Tamba) Wolof ak Senegal Bak na! suma xhalibi =my baby (darlin), Hi, would someone be so kind to translate to English for me please, hello everyone! Cha kanam. What does this mean? Jaam nga am? I like this photo and this is why. What’s up, this weekend is nice designed for me, since this time i am reading this wonderful educational paragraph here at my house. How to say yes and no in Wolof! I’m trying to learn some basic words to make him happy! Vocabulaire et phrases de base en wolof. L’enfant c’est de l’argile,il prend toujours la forme qu’on lui donne. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), http://quizlet.com/1645140/wolof-greetings-phrases-flash-cards/, http://www.google.it/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&ved=0CEMQtwIwBQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DjSpv8WG9Ko4&ei=h111UPmsGc-UswaZ0oGoBg&usg=AFQjCNE-uXqrzS32arnDp75xIIC6uQZuSA, General Greetings / Salutations Général (Dialog), Film en langue Wolof (English subtitles) avec Kadi Jolie. – I speak a little French. I thought that but wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something or that maybe he misspelled nob nala, but I’m sure nob nala and nanala sound quite different! ana wa kurge? (How are you?) omg how cool is this site. nama nala – i miss you Si tu pisses en étant couché sur le dos, avant que quelqu’un ne soit mouillé, toi, tu seras trempé. Thank you. mang gee dem- I’m going Sama/suma is ‘my’. – Peace only. The New Testament was published in 1988. - Goodnight. And think that I don’t know Hey Lisa, there is a pronunciation tab at the top of this page. ( Log Out / Spell this helps keep yr, it would sell 74 gazillion phones in defal danke : chill out i listened a beautiful song named nana ye. Hi, I’m italian. The ji part is optional – it’s like saying “the”. The Wolof orthography, unique to this volume, is specially designed to be user-friendly for English speakers. I think it should also be said that Gambian Wolof and Senegalese Wolof are quite different (different dialects and pronounciations). The sentence was comment left on a picture.. nice na means dats nice cherie france means darling abdoulie. mo ne si man, li ne si mane moye dilene diapale, Please if anyone can help he can contact me : ristovc@yahoo.com Jaam nga fanane. Arame: buga naa la translates to “i want you” or “i like you” I’m glad you were able to learn something new while you were here , Hello all! Naka-nga sant? Man = I Soo.. thank you ! Really good site,thank so much for your effort in writing the posts. Deg nga Angale? Je n’achète pas un rat palmiste dans son trou. I have some more, my husband is a Gambian.and Im spanish!! Because we wolof speakers don’t have our own alphabet; we use the french one . Does anyone know how to say: “May she rest in peace. Jaajef waay! Both contain errors but are the 2 best free ones that I’m aware of. Heute lebt der Wolf auch in Europa wieder in freier Wildbahn. I learned these from my mother & sister in laws while in Senegal, they would always say this when I would leave for the day with my husband. The book whole shebang Like a Christmas audiobook; the narrative is excellent for touching, so Concern it. Anything that one would whisper during a romantic candlelight dinner or sms to let the person know that you’re thinking of them. Rechercher : Abonnement newsletter. Hey may have just been shortening namenala which means I miss you or I have missed you…but not sure otherwise. – right. and what the meaning of dama la nopp then..i herd it is smt like i love u…. Are you in a position Assist me, please . nop naa la is “i love you” Wolof is spoken by more than 5 million people in the Gambia, Senegal, and Mauritania. Jere jef. Ania. Nekufi =Do not be Could anyone plz tell me wat “yow suma u nga” means…thnx, Could anyone plz tell me wat “yow suma y nga” means…thnx, my parents re nigerians bt i ws born in d gambia brikama to be precise…….i ws good in wollof n madinko bfor bt wen i n my family relocate i find it hard to rememba d languagues…..pls sumone shud help me cz i nid to learn my language again. I’m a teacher and I would to teach this song to my little students. Xarit/xariit is ‘friend’. Damalob = I love you It just means “this person is much better than that son of a bitch”, Here is my enail if I can help more, tiendella@yahoo.com; I don’t check it regularly though, hi every one, i am a gambian and i was sooo happy to learn about this site, i love it, japa lenko fofu okay, and i have some treats for the wives. boendow : small Ñiatala? translated: happiness boy ….? but, id welcome feedback if im incorrect as well. may it means: is dis nice darling abdoulie ? Nanga no tu da = hOw is your name? (I still cannot spell in Engish, French or Wolof), Hi, im dating a guy from senegal, im so inluv wit him so i want to learn his language- wolof, ITS REALLY REDICULUS; IT DIDN’T HELPED ME TO COMPLETE MY PROJECT. C’est avec le temps qu’on découvre une cicatrice aux fesses. : Élage y chante principalement en wolof, mais aussi en français et en anglais. Jaaraama is another way to say ‘thank you’. thanks in advance! I recognize everything you say. or. (singular) nakka a fairbie? It is noted that mastered both the art of composition, and treatment, to achieve true works of art. Vocabulaire et phrases de base en wolof. I seem to get a lot of comments from people with Wolof speaking boyfriends and girlfriends. – No. To say please and thank you in Wolof! Angale rekk laa degg. Translation Memory. My boyfriends tells me exactly the same. – Where do you live? Fan nga joghe? More or less is woloffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff hahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nutzen Sie die weltweit besten KI-basierten Übersetzer für Ihre Texte, entwickelt von den Machern von Linguee. And since sometimes I like to study details I even like the little puff of water that is spraying near the two wooden posts near the upper right hand side of this photo. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Mangenyo si kanam (tutti) I will be coming back later. nama nala – I miss you li ci internet bi! I don’t mind seeing stuff like this one bit Nice chgnae actually. Belie deh touch nga fi! (I’m fine.) Glad to see all the helpful responses to this post! amoel challies : i got no money ans please, what is the words for humility and pride could someone please help me how to say in Wolof – “I’m very sorry. You can say nio far which means we are all together or we are one. Yaakaar sa yaram jamm, dama la nob ak nala namm. We provide not only dictionary Wolof-English, but dictionaries for every existing pairs of languages - online and free. Le temps n’est pas du savon, mais il blanchit. so then “begue boy(?) See actions taken by the people who … i suppose it feels more personal . I have enjoyed reading this page and the comments as they remind me of our wonderful trip to Senegal for our son’s wedding. the December fourth part. For example if someone was giving you the choice between an apple and an orange and you wanted the apple you’d say ‘dama bugga pom’; ‘I want the apple/I like the apple.”, Jerejef ! Said I would have to find out for myself. Lii naata? i cam at dis side n i waan learn wolof too, just knw tuuti rek n it would be so nice rek if i knw more.. please could you tell me what means in Senegalese SA MA KHOL? mang gee dam lee gay-im going to work jom ji. You have my vote for the Photoblog Awards, and a new fan of your work. Degguma. - Good afternoon. African cultures, like many others, have had a great portion of their culture and traditions preserved in song and glyphs. La means ‘you’. How is the family?? This meditation was very intsteering in that I seemed to drift off into what seemed to be an altered state but I was still aware of Moorpheus talking at the end. Der NABU hat für Sie einige Materialien rund ums Thema Wolf zusammengestellt. boebaha very good dama dof : im stupid What does “nou nou” mean? Le garçon est petit. Could you guys please help me! or Nanga def?, meaning How/What are you doing? ko kan la? – I speak only English. 6 Likes. Merby = mother, OMG, do you see whats transpiring in Syria? Can someone tell me how to say “Hope you are ok, I miss you and love you”. - Good morning. thats is about the most i can remember at the moment , hope this helps a little. Anwender. 356 people like this. thanks again…looking forward to read something. How do you say in Wolof “with Love”? (It can also be used to day I miss you) The O in wolof, mostly sounds the same as the O in bOy; unless it is succeeded by U or i ; but I can’t think of a Wolof word with oi sound. – And you? – Leave me alone! Kuy jaay kamaate doo bëré : boo ca dëggee mu toj. who is this song by? Celui qui vend des tomates ne doit pas se bagarrer. I appreciate the reply. Hi! Ce phénomène a pu être observé lors des séances sur les sites de rencontres, où des pseudos en wolof font parfois référence à la sexualité, entre autres pour plaisanter : lounekh (lu neex, « (qui est) bon/sexy »), mbeugel (mbëggeel, « amour »), Rencontre saf-safal (« savoureux ») ce soir, et dans les SMS : bayil cagatu bi, « arrête de te prostituer » et dans un SMS reçu par une des jeunes femmes, un ami lui dit … just came across it by chance thank you google! Community See All. Meima = Gimme Lu Feegn ci sey, nuyoo wone na ca ngoro ga, dagnou ko fayul. : what you up too? Linguee Apps . – What’s your first name? can someone please translate nga magal ko c atyu. Thanks. L’œil ne porte aucune charge, mais il sait ce que la tête est capable de porter. $PeaceIn the chat box, everyone shows up as a guest, incnduilg myself. Glosbe is home for thousands of dictionaries. Élage sings mainly in wolof, but also in French and English. wht dat means? Lerne und übe dein Wolof mit einem Muttersprachler über einen Sprachaustausch via E-mail, Text Chat und Voice Chat. 17 Minuten Lernzeit am Tag mit der Langzeitgedächtnis Lernmethode. Hi, what do you say on Korite? It means ‘I don’t see it’ literally but can also be ‘I can’t see/find it’. On ne peut devenir maître d’une chose qu’on n’a pas étudiée. boendow a dow : smaller Living in NY since ’98, I found out long ago each English vowel can have up to 5 or 6 different sounds; unlike the English we were taught in Senegalese High school.. suma xharit = my friend I think you’re on the right way: maybe my version was a “phonetic” version, and sorry for my english. <– Not 100% sure about this, can someone confirm? they are for friends, my husbands friend taught me that so i can talk to him and all his cousins. I have a Senegalese friend who has just died…I am an artist and would like to include an appropriate farewell phrase in a picture I am painting is there someone who can tell me what I should say to my friend and his family to say goodbye? Xale bu góor bi dafa tuuti. Nakasubasi = Good Morning Zum Soforthören oder als Download. foj dem? Soreh na? – How much is this? – Sorry./Pardon. Nana ye somalé nana zimbe. Kristina, ačiū tikrai dėl to pasidžiaugimo pasidžiaugt tai pasidžiaugiam, pasižavim, sušylam, bet kai vkiass viduje vyksta, iš kur gali autorius apie tai žinot? de mal a dofsi yow : im crazy about you. Well when I brough it home to show my husband, he shook his head and said “if you come to Senegal and speak this wolof to my family, they will think you’re crazy” He obviously was joking with me, but it is rather different. i just found “happiness” for begue ..and i have no idea about the rest..though i heard diarama a lot.. i wish you happiness girl.May God shower you with peace healthy and wealthy. – Do you speak English? After I went through all that I see you already have it . I have one Senegalese boy friend. Beugg is to like.. beugg na sama yay ( I love my mother); beugg na thiepp ( I love/like rice). – Good afternoon.